Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If You're Keeping Score

There are now three Democrats running against Tom Reed in the newly formed 23rd Congressional District. The latest one, Melissa Dobson, seems not to have a website up yet. She is not the Melissa Dobson who's a new media strategist for food and wine in the Finger Lakes. Instead, she seems to be this Melissa Dobson. The other Dems are members of our own Tompkins County Democratic Committee—Nathan Shinagawa and Leslie Danks Burke.

They are running against Tom Reed, who, it's worth remembering, ran on a platform of rescinding Obamacare back in 2010. In 2011–2012 he sponsored 22 bills, including one to name "Taps" the National Song of Remembrance, one to put a "real time display" of the national debt in the House Chamber, and two "relating to the disapproval of the President's exercise of authority to increase the debt limit." Although I think a well-intentioned turnip could be a better representative of the district, he may yet be hard to beat. The bar is pretty darn low.


Anonymous said...

Might be time for a run, Kaz...

KAZ said...

Anyone serious about running for Congress must spend 5 hours of every day from now until November on the phone raising money. Not my thing. No way, nohow.