Wednesday, July 2, 2008


At our annual lengthy reorganizational BOE meeting, we didn't so much reorganize as reaffirm. Anderson Young is again President; Russ Kowalski is VP. Committee assignments are much the same:
Policy Committee: KAZ, Brad Rauch
Safety Committee: Perry Dewey
Facilities Committee: Andy Young, Brian June, Brad Rauch
Audit & Finance Committee: Karin Lamotte, Chris Gibbons, Russ Kowalski, Jennifer Davis
DESPA Staff Development Committee: Jennifer Davis
TSTSBA Rep: Chris Gibbons with Brad Rauch alternate
Legislative Liaison: KAZ
Exempt Employee Negotiations Rep: Jennifer Davis
We discussed reformation of a Community Relations or Public Relations Committee (we all seem to want to be on that one) and decided to table restructuring of the Strategic Planning Committee until after we meet with our consultant in September.


Mary Ann said...

Legislative Liaison? Does that include the Town Board? I've occasionally wondered why the two boards have so little to say to each other. Maybe the Town Board needs a school liaison. Especially since only one town board member has a kid in school right now.

KAZ said...

Yup, it includes fed, state, town, village--I'll probably come to you sometime this year to talk about how we might share services--we need to improve our bus garage, but we get no state funds for that, so cooperating with the town makes sense, whether it's sharing a bus/truck washer or something else.