Saturday, April 19, 2008

From the Trail Cam

The DEC tells Paul that no one else has reported a bear in Dryden. So I guess he's ours. (PZ says he's probably a he.)


Mary Ann said...

I know a female with cub was living happily in the Malloryville area last summer, their diet well supplemented with bird seed.

I grew up in the Adirondaks with bears. I'm not unhappy to see them returning to this area. But some precautions are wise. I think I'd move the birdseed inside and be sure the birds are secure at night. DEC has some suggestions at NYSDEC

Anonymous said...

Very cool picture. I feel that our bear was bigger, though -- after all, he lives a cushy life on a country club golf course. No foraging in the wild for him!

KAZ said...

Yup, the birdseed has been moved. He ate all the suet. The chickens are behind bars, although I think this big boy's strong enough to take down the fence if he wanted to. Luckily, I think bears tend to be lazy and go for what's easiest.

KAZ said...

We're estimating about 270 lbs. Hard to tell; they're so hairy.

David Makar said...

I'm guessing it is hard to make him put each foot on a scale at the same time (and see the readings from that distance). I've heard of a bear up on Snyder Hill a few years back and I know of one that hung out at the last house before entering Shindagin Hollow (on the porch).

Maybe the bear will compete with the deer.