Saturday, February 16, 2008

Voting Hope Over Fear

It's come down to this: Do I hope more than I fear? Do I believe more than I doubt? And why, in all of this, do I feel so bitterly sorry for Hillary Clinton, a woman whose politics have always seemed too tightly and carefully parsed for my taste?

Well, I'm trying to be hopeful where Dryden is concerned. I think the Dryden Community Cafe is a sign of hope where there once were empty storefronts. Our interim superintendent gives me hope that the District will be set on a positive path before he leaves us at the end of his term. I think the new town board has a hopeful message about the potential for local energy policy to energize locals.

I am less hopeful when it comes to the state, despite my belief that the Democrats may seize the Senate this year. I was extremely hopeful when our new Governor took office, but his missteps have made me fearful again. And frankly, I haven't seen signs that our Democratic Assembly is any more reasonable than our Republican Senate when it comes to holding the line on spending, making long-term plans, or doing much more than casting blame.

And when it comes to national politics, well, I'm not terribly hopeful at all. Do I think that a President Obama could turn around our fallen favor with other nations? Yes. Do I think he would put good people in his Cabinet? Probably. Do I think he could work with Congress? Not so much. Could anybody? Maybe not. . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is my two cents.........and I know for the most part, I'm in the minority. I believe that HRC would make a formidable president. She has many well thought out policies, and I believe she is up for the job.

Obama to me is alot of fluff. I'm not convinced he can deliver on any of his promises. I do however think he would make a great VP. Will I vote for him if he is the nominee? Yep.

My two cents.......we'll see.